Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE)


Important Dates
Application Start 01/03/2024
Last Date to Apply Online without Late Fee 25/04/2024
Last Date to Apply Online with Late Fee of 500/- 04/05/2024
Last Date to Apply Online with Late Fee of 1000/- 11/05/2024
Last Date to Apply Online with Late Fee of 2000/- 18/05/2024
Last Date to Apply Online with Late Fee of 4000/- 25/05/2024
Correction Window 20-25 May 2024
Admit Card 30/05/2024
Date of TS LAWCET & PGLCET 30/06/2024
Preliminary Key 06/06/2024
Last Date for Submission of Objections 07/06/2024
Registration Fee
UR (LAWCET) 900/-
SC | ST | PH (LAWCET) 600/-
UR (PGLCET) 1100/-
SC | ST | PH (PGLCET) 900/-
Kindly pay the fee through Debit / Credit Card or Net Banking.
Courses through LAWCET

3-Year LLB Course: The Candidates for 3-Year LL. B. Course should have passed any Graduate Degree (10+2+3 pattern) of a recognized University or any other examination recognized as equivalent by the Universities concerned with 45% of aggregate marks for general category, 42% for OBC Category and 40% for SC/ST.

5-Year LLB Course: The Candidates for 5-Year LL.B. course should have passed the two-year Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) or any other examination recognized as equivalent by the University concerned or the Board of Intermediate Education, T.S. with 45% of aggregate marks for general category, 42% for OBC Category and 40% for SC/ST.

Note: The percentage of 44.5% and above in aggregate in Intermediate (10+2 Pattern) in case of candidates belonging to general categories, 41.5% or above in aggregate in Intermediate (10+2 Pattern) in case of candidates belonging to OBC category and 39.5% and above in aggregate in Intermediate (10+2 Pattern) in case of candidates belonging to SC / ST category will be considered as 45%, 42% and 40% respectively for admission into LL. B 5-year course. 

2-Year LLM Course: Candidates holding LL.B. / B.L. 3 / 5 Year degree on the date of application are eligible and candidates who have appeared/appeared for LL.B./B.L. Final year examination are also eligible.

A candidate appearing for LLB/BL degree examinations may take the TSPGLCET in anticipation of results. However, he/she must have passed at the time of counselling.


Kindly read all the instructions carefully before applying for the recruitment form.

Kindly check and collect all the documents like Eligibility, ID Proof, Address, and other basic details.

Kindly Ready the scanned documents related to the Recruitment Form like Photo, Sign, ID Proof, etc.

Kindly check all the previews and columns carefully before submission of the Form.

Kindly take a printout of the Final submitted Form.

Important Links
To Apply Online  Click Here 
For Revised Last Date Notice
 Click Here 
For Important Dates
 Click Here 
For Notification  Click Here 
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